Association between sibling relationship and school bullying in Bangkok, Thailand

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Nantika Ananthavornwong
Palisara Thommachot


Objective To examine the association of having siblings and sibling relationship with school bullying

Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in middle school students aged 11-16 years old from government schools in Bangkok. Samples were selected from three classrooms per grade in one school under the secondary educational service area and one classroom per grade in one school under Bangkok metropolis. Data was collected by using questionnaires consisting of demographic data, family, adverse childhood experiences, sibling, parent and peer relationship and school bullying behaviors in the past few months.

Results Total 231 participants, mean age was 13.61±1.02 years old. 135 participants (58.4%) were female. 120 participants (51.9%) were both perpetrators and victims. Having siblings and sibling relationship were not significantly associated with school bullying (p value 0.428 and 0.915 respectively) but students who were only victims had the lowest sibling relationship scores which was 109.1875 ± 25.8875 (95%CI  95.3930-122.9820). However, emotional abuse, physical abuse and domestic violence were significantly associated with school bullying (p value 0.010, 0.038 and 0.033 respectively). After potential confounding factors affecting school bullying were adjusted, sibling relationship was not significantly associated with being perpetrators (p value 0.429), victims (p value 0.898) and both perpetrators and victims (p value 0.424). Having siblings was not significantly associated with being perpetrators, victims (p value 0.998) and both perpetrators and victims (p value 0.189). Emotional abuse was significantly associated with being perpetrators (p value 0.016) and victims (p value 0.012) and physical neglect was significantly associated with being perpetrators (p value 0.024), victims (p value 0.016) and both perpetrators and victims (p value 0.030).

Conclusion Sibling relationship and having siblings were not significantly associated with school bullying. However, emotional abuse and physical neglect were significantly associated with school bullying

Keywords sibling relationship, school bullying, middle school student

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How to Cite
Ananthavornwong, N., & Thommachot, P. (2021). Association between sibling relationship and school bullying in Bangkok, Thailand. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 66(2), 141–158. retrieved from
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