Impact of Multimedia Use Before Bed on Sleep problems in ADHD Children

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Hathaipat Withayasakpunt


Objective: To examine the impact of multimedia use before bed on sleep problems in ADHD children.

Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted in ADHD children aged 6-8 years at child and adolescent psychiatry clinic, Ramathibodi hospital. Primary physicians completed medical profiles and parents completed measures of multimedia use, sleep hygiene, and Children’s Sleep Habit Questionnaire-Thai version.

Results: Of the total 80 children, 63.7% were male, the mean age was 7.33 years. 93.8% had sleep problems and the mean total CSHQ score was 49.20. A greater number of media devices in child’s bedroom was significantly associated with increased night waking problem subscore and the more time use in playing games before bed was significantly associated with increased sleep duration problem subscore; meanwhile, the time for other purposes of media use was not significantly associated with any sleep problem subscores. Furthermore, after controlling the effect of ADHD severity, playing games before bed was still significantly associated with increased sleep duration problem subscore. However, having parental guidance while the child was on multimedia was significantly associated with decreased sleep onset delay problem subscore.

Conclusion: The more time use in playing games before bed was significantly associated with increased sleep duration problem subscore and a greater number of media devices in the child’s bedroom was significantly associated with increased night waking problem subscore. However, having parental guidance while the child was on multimedia was significantly associated with decreased sleep onset delay problem subscore.

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How to Cite
Withayasakpunt, H. (2021). Impact of Multimedia Use Before Bed on Sleep problems in ADHD Children. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 65(4), 317–330. retrieved from
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