Factors Associated with Re-Attempted Suicide within 1-Year Among Thai Elderly

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Sakarin Kaewhao


Objective: To study factors associated with re- attempted suicide within 1 year amongThai elderly.

Method: The matching case- control study was conducted. The subjects were recruited Thai elderly with attempted suicide and registered in the 506S system during 2017. Cases were selected 41 re- attempted suicide while 103 controls were matched by gender, age and domicile which divided into 2 groups consisting of 56 single attempted suicide and 47 never attempted suicide. Instruments were used the structured interview questionnaire consisting of demographic data, screening for cognitive function, alcohol and substance use, anxiety and depression, activities of daily living, pain, social support, domestic violence, health care accessibility.   Data analysis used descriptive statistics and inferential statistics for risk and protective factors: Odds ratio (OR) with 95% CI with simple conditional logistic regression and conditional multiple logistic regression backward stepwise.

Result:  Samples were predominantly female (63.8%), primary education (63.8%), presence of physical illnesses (63.8%),married (63.8%), unemployed (63.8%). Risk factors for re-attempted suicide within 1 year with statistically significant were depression [ OR = 2.96 (95% CI = 1.12-7.78)]and anxiety [OR = 4.15 (1.64-12.07)]. Protective factors with statistically significant were receiving treatment from alternative medicine [OR = 0.20 (95% CI = 0.05-0.88)], participation in social activities during traditional festival [OR = 0.33 (95% CI = 0.14-0.77)] and receiving emotional support [OR = 0.36, (95% CI = 0.16-0.38)].The conditional multiple logistic regression backward stepwise analysis revealed  only depression was a predictor of re-attempted suicide among Thai elderly with pseudo R2 = 0.20

Conclusion: Significant factors associated with re-attempted suicide within 1-year among Thai elderly are depression, anxiety, receiving emotional support and participation in social activities. Therefore, mental health personnel should promote elderly to participate in social activities and screening for depression in elderly.


Key words:  elderly, re-attempted suicide, depression

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How to Cite
Kaewhao, S. (2021). Factors Associated with Re-Attempted Suicide within 1-Year Among Thai Elderly. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 65(3), 301–314. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JPAT/article/view/239893
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