Impact of Family Card Board Game to Increase Attention and Reduce Inattention, Impulsivity and Hyperactivity in Children with ADHD

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กมลพจน์ เริ่มคิดการณ์
วสุนันท์ ชุ่มเชื้อ


Objectives : To study the effect of the board game on increasing attention and reducing
behavior inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity in children aged 9-11 years with
ADHD with a family of children carrying out activities.
Method : The one group pretest - posttest design research model. The sample group
in this study is 9-11-year-olds who are diagnosed with ADHD which is diagnosed in the
DSM-5 system for 15 families. Sample group selected by The purposive sampling
method, use the Leiter International Performance Scale-Revised (Leiter-R) test to assess
the attention score and Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham IV (Form SNAP-IV Short form) in
Thai version to evaluate the behavior score (attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity).
Analyze comparative data before and after activities using Wilcoxon matched-pairs
signed rank test.
Results : After completing the project, there were a total of 13 families from 15 families
in the community. The attention sustained scores of children with ADHD were statistic
significantly increased (inattention score: before = 7.462 / after score = 8.769, p-value
= .007) and from the evaluation of family behavior scores, the relationship of behavior
scores were also statistic significantly decreased (inattention score: before = 18.0 /
after = 15.769, impulsivity and hyperactivity score: before = 13.615 / after = 12.230;
p= 0.001, p= 0.003), according to the secret from the evaluation of behavior scores
by teachers found behavior scores were not stable and significantly endangered
(impulsivity and hyperactivity score: before = 13.769 / after = 12.0 p= 0.02)
Conclusion : Help Me Help Your Friend (Attention Family Board Game) may be increased
attention and reduced behavior inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity in children
with ADHD

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How to Cite
เริ่มคิดการณ์ ก., & ชุ่มเชื้อ ว. (2019). Impact of Family Card Board Game to Increase Attention and Reduce Inattention, Impulsivity and Hyperactivity in Children with ADHD. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 64(3), 217–234. retrieved from
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