Cross-Cultural Translation and Psychometric Properties Study of Aberrant Behavior Checklist-Community, Thai Version

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อัศวิน นาคพงศ์พันธุ์
ชวนันท์ ชาญศิลป์


Objectives : To translate Aberrant behavior Checklist-community (ABC-C) by cross-cultural
translation principle into Thai Version and examine its psychometric properties
Methods : In this study, Aberrant behavior Checklist-community (ABC-C) was translated by
cross-cultural translation principle to be more in accordance with Thai culture. Following back -
forth translation and discussion about Semantic, Idiomatic, Experential and Conceptual
equivalence by child and adolescent psychiatry specialists and English translator experts,
ABC-C last adaptation was made by cognitive debriefing and the Psychometric properties
such as internal consistency ,inter and intra-rater reliability and concurrent validity were
measured by 2 observers observing activities of 40 autistic spectrum disorder and intellectual
disability subjects simultaneously for 1 hour to reduce recall bias
Results : ABC-C Thai version has high internal consistency (α = 0.922), while inter-rater and
test-retest reliability are still high [ICC = 0.90 (95% CI: 0.81-0.95)] and [ICC = 0.92 (95% CI:
0.86-0.96)] respectively. When compared with the Clinical Global Impression-Severity Scale
(CGI-S) for concurrent validity, the result also showed high positive correlation (r = 0.87;
p < 0.01).
Conclusions : The outcome was shown that ABC-C Thai version has high qualities and is
appropriate to apply for both healthcare services and further study in this group of patients.

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How to Cite
นาคพงศ์พันธุ์ อ., & ชาญศิลป์ ช. (2019). Cross-Cultural Translation and Psychometric Properties Study of Aberrant Behavior Checklist-Community, Thai Version. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 64(2), 197–206. retrieved from
Original Articles


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