The Effect of Emotional and Stress Management Class on Stress Levels of Thai Students at Thammasat University

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รุ่งรัตน์ จิตวโรภาส
พิชญานุช รสเครือ
อารี เทเลอร์
วินิทรา นวลละออง


Objectives : To investigated stress levels of freshman and sophomore students
(Science and Technology, Health Sciences, Social Science and Humanities) before
and after attending one class on emotional and stress management.
Methods : This research was a pretest-posttest study without control group using the
self-reported stress test (Suan Prung Stress Test; SPST-20). The data analysis was
performed with both descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results : Three thousand four hundred and fifty-nine students [male 990 (28.6%)]
completed the questionnaires. The mean (±standard deviation) pre and post class stress
levels were 47.22±13.52 (high stress) and 35.89±12.49 (moderate stress), respectively
(p<0.01), and were similar between the three groups of students.
Conclusions : Once class on emotional and stress management successfully reduced
stress in this broad range of Thai university students and represented a good strategy
for maintaining student health. More research is needed to evaluate its long term effect
and its role in as part of a broad strategy of stress reduction in students.

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How to Cite
จิตวโรภาส ร., รสเครือ พ., เทเลอร์ อ., & นวลละออง ว. (2019). The Effect of Emotional and Stress Management Class on Stress Levels of Thai Students at Thammasat University. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 64(2), 177–186. retrieved from
Original Articles


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