Validity of Thai ADHD Screening Scales to Screen ADHD Patients with Comorbid Disorders: Retrospective Study

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Sirinda Chanpen
Chanvit Pornnoppadol
Wanlop Atsariyasing
Tikumporn Hosiri


Objectives : To study the validity of Thai ADHD Screening Scales (THASS) to screen
ADHD patients with comorbid disorders.
Methods : This research is a retrospective study which collecting data by analyzing the
medical records of new patients who had visited the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Outpatients unit at Siriraj Hospital during January 2015-December 2016. Data were
analyzed by using frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation (SD),
correlation coefficient (r), sensitivity and specificity to determine the criterion validity
by 2x2 tables.
Results : There were 207 new patients including child and adolescent (71% of boys
and 29% of girls) who were diagnosed by child and adolescent psychiatrists; of which
64, 52 and 84 were for patients with ADHD with comorbid disorders, pure ADHD and
non ADHD. Mean age was 10.36 years old. When THASS-self report version was used
separately, the result was not correlated with the final diagnosis but parent’s report and
teacher’s report of ADHD patients with comorbid disorders were correlated with the
final diagnosis provided by child and adolescent psychiatrists (p-value < .05). When
combined self-report, parent’s report and teacher’s report altogether, THASS showed
a good sensitivity (0.82) and specificity (0.93).
Conclusion : When combined self-report, parent’s report and teacher’s report altogether,
THASS showed a good sensitivity and specificity which confirmed that THASS is a valid
and reliable screening questionnaire for ADHD with or without comorbid disorders.

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How to Cite
Chanpen, S., Pornnoppadol, C., Atsariyasing, W., & Hosiri, T. (2018). Validity of Thai ADHD Screening Scales to Screen ADHD Patients with Comorbid Disorders: Retrospective Study. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 63(3), 213–226. retrieved from
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