Sleep Quality and Its Associated Factors in the Elderly at Pracha Niwet Village

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โชติมันต์ ชินวรารักษ์
สุขเจริญ ตั้งวงษ์ไชย
นัฏศรา ดำรงค์พิวัฒน์


Objectives : To explore the sleep quality and its associated factors in the elderly.
Method : The descriptive study was conducted in the elderly aged above 60 years at
Pracha Niwet Village between September and October 2017. The instruments
consisted of five questionnaires; 1) the demographic data form, 2) the Thai version of the
Pittsburgh sleep quality index (T-PSQI), 3) the sleep hygiene index, 4) the Thai geriatric
depression scale (TGDS) 5) the mini-mental state examination: Thai version (MMSE-Thai
2002). The prevalence of good and poor sleep quality were presented by frequency
and percentage. The associated factors of sleep quality were analyzed by chi-square
test. The predictors of sleep quality were analyzed by logistic regression analysis.
Results : Among 254 participants with the mean age of 77.11±7.29 years old, 66.5% of
them were female. The prevalence of poor sleep quality was 52.0%. The mean sleep
duration and sleep latency were 6.09 hours per night and 28.35 minutes, respectively.
The mean sleep efficiency was 84.40 %, and approximately two thirds had high level of
good sleep hygiene practices. The associated factors of sleep quality were depression,
medical illness, sufficiency of income, and physical exercise. The predictors of poor
sleep quality were depression (p < 0.01) and medical illness (p<0.05).
Conclusion : The prevalence of poor sleep quality in the elderly at Pracha Niwet
village was 52.0%. The associated factors and predictors of the poor sleep quality were
depression and medical illness. Evaluation of sleep quality may aid in the screening of
depression and physical health problems.

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How to Cite
ชินวรารักษ์ โ., ตั้งวงษ์ไชย ส., & ดำรงค์พิวัฒน์ น. (2018). Sleep Quality and Its Associated Factors in the Elderly at Pracha Niwet Village. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 63(2), 199–210. retrieved from
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