Validity and Reliability of the Brief COPE Inventory: Thai bersion

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ธนานันต์ นุ่มแสง
ธนิตา ตันตระรุ่งโรจน์


Objective : To translate the Brief COPE inventory to Thai language and to study the
validity and reliability of the Brief COPE inventory Thai version
Method : After receiving permission from the developer of the Brief COPE inventory, the
researchers translated the Brief COPE inventory to Thai language and test the valididity
and reliability of the Brief COPE inventory: Thai version. The sample group consisted of
60 personnel from the Department of Psychiatry, Ramathibodi Hospital who answered
the questionnaire in the general information section and the Brief COPE inventory Thai
version. Determining validity was calculated by the Pearson correlation coefficient
between the Brief COPE inventory: Thai version and the Proactive Coping Inventory:
Thai version. Reliability was calculated by measuring internal consistency in term of
Cronbach’s alpha method.
Result : The Brief COPE inventory Thai version and the Proactive Coping Inventory
Thai version were statistically correlated in the same direction with the correlation
coefficients between 0.25-0.45. The Cronbach’s alpha of the Brief COPE inventory: Thai
version was 0.7.
Conclusion : The Brief COPE inventory: Thai version is psychometrically reliable and
valid measure for assessing or classifying strategies to cope with the stress in general

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How to Cite
นุ่มแสง ธ., & ตันตระรุ่งโรจน์ ธ. (2018). Validity and Reliability of the Brief COPE Inventory: Thai bersion. Journal of the Psychiatric Association of Thailand, 63(2), 189–198. retrieved from
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