Artificial Intelligence in Nephrology: Advancements, Opportunities, and Concerns in Hemodialysis

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Nataphut Boonvisuth
Khajohn Tiranathanagul


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving field that is making inroads into various industries, including medicine. The advancements in AI technology have demonstrated  their potential to improve diagnostic accuracy, treatment outcomes, and overall patient well-being, making it a valuable tool for healthcare professionals and institutes. This article provides an overview of the history and terminology of AI, including machine learning and deep learning. It also examines the benefits and limitations of AI in medicine, with a specific focus on its application in the field of nephrology. In this area, AI has demonstrated its  potential to enhance patient care via clinical decision support systems, particularly in hemodialysis. The article highlights how AI is being used in various aspects of hemodialysis, including anemia management, dialysis adequacy and service planning, arteriovenous access assessment, dry weight prediction, intradialytic adverse event detection, mineral and bone disorder management, mortality and cardiovascular disease prediction, and cognitive function assessment. The goal is to provide readers with a preliminary understanding of AI and its potential to transform the practice of nephrology in the future. 

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How to Cite
Boonvisuth, N., & Tiranathanagul, K. (2024). Artificial Intelligence in Nephrology: Advancements, Opportunities, and Concerns in Hemodialysis. Journal of the Nephrology Society of Thailand, 30(3), 168–184. Retrieved from
Review Article


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