Preparation of the Manuscript
The manuscript must be typed with Microsoft Word and the size of the font should be at least 11 points. For manuscripts in Thai language, the font type should be TH-Sarabun-PSK and the size should be 16 points. Please see further details for each type of manuscript below.
All manuscript types
All manuscript types must have a Title page that contains the title of the manuscript, full names and affiliations of all authors, and the name, mailing, and email address of the corresponding author.
Original research articles
Original research articles must consist of the following sections: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Statements (Ethical Approval, Acknowledgements, Funding, Conflict of Interests) References, Tables, and Supplemental Materials (optional). The total word count should not exceed 4500 words for the English language or 8000 words for the Thai language (excluding Abstract, Tables, Figures, Statements, References, and Supplemental Materials).
Abstract must consist of the following sections: Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. The length of the abstract must not exceed 350 words in English language or 600 words in Thai language.
Keywords should be on the same page as the abstract. No more than 5 keywords must be provided following the abstract. We suggest authors choose important keywords that are not already present in the title or the abstract to increase the visibility of the article.
If the article is in the Thai language, the English-language abstract and keywords must also be provided.
Statements of institutional ethical approval along with the approval number must be provided. If the work is exempted from ethical approval, the reasons must be clearly stated.
Tables should be included in the manuscript file. Up to 7 Tables are allowed.
Figures should be submitted separately. Up to 7 Figures are allowed. All figures need to have a clear and concise legend caption to accompany them.
Review Articles
A review article must contain an unstructured abstract of no more than 350 words in English language or 600 words in Thai language and up to 5 keywords. Up to 7 tables and figures and 150 references are allowed. The total word count must not exceed 5000 words in English language or 9000 words in Thai language (excluding Abstract, Tables, Figures, and References)
If the article is in the Thai language, both Thai-language and English-language abstracts as well as keywords must be provided.
Tables should be included in the manuscript file. All tables must be originals and not copies of the previous works. If authors choose to reproduce previously published tables, permissions must be obtained and clearly stated in the footnote of each table.
Figures should be submitted separately. All figures must be originals and not copies of the previous works. If the authors choose to reproduce previously published figures, permissions must be obtained and clearly stated in the legend. A clear and concise legend caption must accompany every figure.
Case reports/Clinical pathology
If the manuscript contains personal identifying information, written informed consent for publication must be obtained from the patient (or their parent or legal guardian in the case of children under 18, or from the next of kin if the patient has died) and clearly stated in the manuscript.
Case report must contain an unstructured abstract of up to 350 words in English language or 600 words in the Thai language, 5 keywords, Background, Case Presentation, Discussion, and References (up to 30). Up to 3 tables and 5 figures are allowed. The total word count must not exceed 2500 words for the English language or 4000 words for the Thai language.
Tables should be included in the manuscript file. All tables must be originals and not copies of the previous works. If authors choose to reproduce previously published tables, permissions must be obtained and clearly stated in the footnote of each table.
Figures should be submitted separately. All figures must be originals and not copies of the previous works. If the authors choose to reproduce previously published figures, permissions must be obtained and clearly stated in the legend. A clear and concise legend caption must accompany every figure. Figures that show pathology should have sufficient clarity for viewing.
Image in Nephrology
If the manuscript contains personal identifying information, written informed consent for publication must be obtained from the patient (or their parent or legal guardian in the case of children under 18, or from the next of kin if the patient has died) and clearly stated in the manuscript.
The length of the manuscript including the images should not be longer than 2 pages.
Figures should be submitted separately. All figures must be originals, not copies of the previous works, and have sufficient clarity for viewing. A clear and concise legend caption must accompany every figure.
Follow Vancouver referencing style. The reference in the main article should be numbered according to its appearance in the text and placed in the upper right-hand corner (superscript without bracket). If multiple references are cited at the same time in consecutive order, use (-) between the number of references. If multiple references are cited at the same time but not in consecutive order, use (,) between the number of references.
At the end of the article, references should be listed in consecutive order as they appeared in the text.
Standard Journal Article
Leonard O, Spaak J, Goldsmith D. Regression of vascular calcification in chronic kidney disease - feasible or fantasy? A review of the clinical evidence. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2013;76(4):560-72.
If there are more than six authors, the first six authors are listed followed by “et al.”
Bover J, Urena-Torres P, Gorriz JL, Lloret MJ, da Silva I, Ruiz-Garcia C, et al. Cardiovascular calcifications in chronic kidney disease: Potential therapeutic implications. Nefrologia. 2016;36(6):597-608.
For the title, use capital letters only for the first letter of the title
Use the form of titles of journals abbreviated, according to the style used in the National Library of Medicine
Book and Book Chapter
Author. Title of the book. Edition. Place of Publication: Publisher; Year.
Author of Part, AA. Title of chapter or part. In: Editor A, Editor B, editors. Title: subtitle of book. Edition(if not the first). Place of publication: Publisher; Year. p. page numbers.
Electronic Materials
Author A, Author B. Document title. Webpage name [format]. Source/production information; Date of internet publication [cited year month day]. Available from: URL
Publication Fee
All types of articles are currently published free of charge.
Data, images, words, or ideas taken from any materials should be properly acknowledged and the source of content must always be cited. All submitted manuscripts will be checked for plagiarism and any manuscript found to contain plagiarized material will not be considered for publication.
The authors are solely responsible for the contents and the data published in the Journal of the Nephrology Society of Thailand. The Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Board Members, and Nephrology Society of Thailand are not responsible for any of the contents published in the journal.