Thyroid hormone disorders and kidney disease
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Many interactions between the thyroid and kidneys occur in each organ’s disease states. The thyroid hormone affects kidney growth development and physiology, particularly the renin angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS), cardiovascular system, and renal blood flow. Moreover, the thyroid hormone produces an intrinsic renal effect by which it increases renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate associated with increased size of renal tubules and the glomerulus. It also affects the function membrane transporters. Therefore, thyroid disorders lead to abnormal kidney functions in aspects of abnormal glomerular filtration rate, electrolyte imbalances, and glomerular diseases. In contrast, chronic kidney diseases affect thyroid functions, for instance, reduced T3 levels (low T3 syndrome). In addition, the incidence of hypothyroidism is increased among patients with chronic kidney disease. Related studies have demonstrated an association between low T3 levels and overall mortality, but lack data supporting that thyroid hormone replacement therapy has benefit.
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