Childhood Obesity……Challenges Facing Families and Social Change


  • Uruwan Yamborisut Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University


school-aged children, food consumption behavior, nutrition labelling, family, school


There has been increasing in the prevalence of childhood overweight and obesity in Thai children during past two decades. The situation is considered as major public health problem as that the consequence of obesity could have large impact on quality of life and long-term health care cost. Besides hereditary factor, the improper food consumption and lifestyle behaviors among school-aged children are the crucial causative factors. Frequent consumption of diet containing high energy, fat, sugar and sodium content could lead to the development of non-communicable chronic diseases (NCDs). Prevention of childhood obesity is, therefore, urgent strategy to improve nutritional status and well-being in children. Several strategies involve the integrated program activities; i.e., the provision of nutrition education, dietary modification to limit excess nutrient intakes in obese children and the motivation to increase children’s physical activities level. Family can help to achieve weight control in their child by adopting the change in parents’ attitude and child feeding practices. For school setting, healthy school lunch should be offered to all children as well as more available time to increase their physical activities in school. For public campaign, nutrition labelling and healthier choice logo are used as nutrition tools to disseminate nutrition information to the consumers and to guide them how to choose healthy foods. Community participation is also the important component to prevent obesity problem. Key element of activities involve the provision of nutrition education, management on healthy food service, promotion of active lifestyle as well as the routine self-assessment and monitoring on people’s nutritional status. These integrated activities will be the promising way in childhood obesity prevention in the long run.


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How to Cite

Yamborisut, U. (2020). Childhood Obesity……Challenges Facing Families and Social Change. Journal of Nutrition Association of Thailand (Online), 55(1), 17–40. retrieved from



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