Quality and Stability of Inline Leukocyte Filter Blood Bag Assembled by National Blood Centre, Thai Red Cross Society
Inline filter, Leukocyte residual, Red cell recovery, PrestorageAbstract
Abtract: Inline leukocyte hiter blood bags have been assembled at National Blood Centre (NBC) since 2001 in order to prepare prestorage leukodepleted whole blood, leukocyte packed red cell and leukodepleted plasma for special service. This aimed to study the quality and stability of the inline leukocyte filter blood bag assembled by NBC by means of determination of leukocyte residual, red cell recovery, leukocyte removal efficiency, hitration time and percentage of hemolysis. The results showed the efficient removal of leukocyte 99.99%, leukocyte residue was less than 1x106 in 100% of units, the frequency was less than 1x105 in 82% of units and between 1x105 to 5x105 in 18% of units. Red cell count prior to fitration were (2.38+- 0.32/106 cells/unit and afer fitration were (2.11+- 0.31) x1012 cells/unit which were equivalent to red cell recovery 92.69-2.20%. Before and the hematocrit were 17.72 gm'% and 12.47 gm%, hemolysis were 0.161810.15% and 0.2145.08%, potassium was 36910.37 mmoll and 3.777220.35 mmol/L respectively. Platelet count before and after fitration were (101.68+48 54hx10 and (6.46.16kxi0 calls/unit respectivelv. The lost of platet were 8806114:59%. The stenlity test confimed no contamination in all units. The efficiency of sets of M0 and M12 were not statistically significant (p > 0.05). From this study, inline fiter set is of good quality according to AABB 19999 and Council of Europe 2001 standard. It is convenient and safe for filtration of red cell and plasma.
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