Emergency Transfusion of Group O Red Blood Cells in Additive Solution
Emergency, Transfusion, O-AS bloodAbstract
Abstract: In urgent situations, even using uncrossmatched blood may have a delay due to transportation,
specimen processing and crossmatch procedure. We therefore have set up a program of giving
uncrossmatched blood which is group O, Rh positive red cells suspended in additive solution (O-AS
blood) for extreme emergencies. From 1999 to 2003, 104 patients (av. 20.80 cases/year) at the emergency
unit, Department of Surgery, Siriraj Hospital were transfused with 246 units of O-AS blood (av. 2.37
units/case). From 2001 to 2003, 15 patients (av. 5 cases/year) at the labour room, Department of Obstetrics
and Gynaecology were transfused with 23 units of O-AS blood (av. 1.53 units/case). The number
of blood used of these two groups were 38.86 % and 8.98 % of the provided blood, respectively. The
risks of non O blood type patients who received O-AS blood of these two groups were 72.11% and 40%,
respectively. In this study, Rh negative blood type was not found but anti-Leb was identified in one
pregnant woman. Fortunately, the blood transfused was Le (a+b-) phenotype. Furthermore, none of the
transfusion reaction was reported in non O or unknown blood type who received O-AS blood.