การศึกษาทัศนคติ และปัจจัยที่มีผลต่อการบริจาคโลหิตของบุคลากรในโรงพยาบาลพาน จังหวัดเชียงราย เพื่อเพิ่มจำนวนผู้บริจาคโลหิต


  • นฤมล บุญสนอง
  • ยุพา เอื้อวิจิตรอรุณ


Attitudes and factors, Blood donation, Increasing blood donor


Abstract : Phan hospital is a 120 beds community hospital. The staff includes 220 individuals which of only 3 are regular blood donors. The purposes of this study were to determine the attitudes and factors affecting blood donation of personnel in Phan Hospital by using questionnaires. The information obtained would assist in strategic planning to increase blood donors among hospital personnel. The questionnaires were designed to assess personnel characteristics, attitudes (behavioral believes, social influence/subjective norm, and blood bank service influence), and knowledge influence. SPSS version 11.5 was used for analysis of all data for percentage, means, chi-square (χ) 2estimation and stepwise multiple regression analysis. There were 191 completed questionnaires returned for analysis (86.8% response rate). Seventy two respondents (37.7%) ever donate blood and 119 respondents (62.3%) never donate blood. Among the experienced blood donors group 56.9% were male and 43.1% were female, 73.6% of them were healthy. Regarding the unexperienced blood donors group, 24.4% were male and 75.6% were female, 73.1% of them were healthy, 90.8% weighed > 45 kgs. Gender and weight were statistically significant differences which the experienced group contained more male and all of them passed the weigh required for donation (p< 0.05). Overall, average attitudes were at good level among experienced and unexperienced blood donors, with no statistical significantly different (p > 0.05). However, there was one item of behavioral believes which was the fear feeling of donating blood and one item of knowledge which the unexperienced blood donors perceived that donating blood is not loosing spared blood volume; giving statistical significantly different between the two groups personnel (p< 0.05).
This study also asked for opinions to increase blood donors which four priority strategies were obtained including: advertising, campaign for donation on special occasions, individual invitation and offering gift for blood donation. We implemented all four strategies for pilot study. After 3 months period we could recruit 20 new donors from the Phan hospital personnel. Accordingly, the study led to successfully increase the number of blood donation.


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