The road traffic injuries investigation of Mass caused on Wan Lai Sakaeo Festival 2018, from a small truck flipped upside down on Highway 317 Sakaeo – Chanthaburi , 19 April 2018.

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กาญจนา เจ็กนอก


On 19th April 2018, Joint Investigation Team (JIT) from Office of Disease Prevention and Control 6 Chonburi & and Multidisciplinary Team in Sakaew Province had conducted
an investigation relating to road traffic accident on Highway number 317. The purposes of this investigation were to  (1) describe the event,  (2) investigate the factors affecting injuries, and (3) suggest policy measures and solutions  to prevent accidents in the future. The data was collected by medical documents, interviewing person who was involved –witnesses and victims-, exploring the location of event, and environmental factors. Risk factors of injuries were analyzed by using the Haddon matrix method.

The results showed that, (1) the event occurred on April 19th,2018 , at about 08.20 pm on Wan Lai Sakaeo Festival 2018. The pickup truck flipped upside down on Highway 317, Sakaeo – Chanthaburi, Wang Nam Yen district. Total of 12 people. 6 persons died (5 persons died on the spot and 1 people died in hospital), seriously injured 3 people and minor injuries 3 people. All passengers were Thai male, with age group between 16 – 19 year. The doctor diagnosed the cause of death was severe head and multiple organs injury, (2) the factors that lead to this accident caused by driving using speed, tired and drink alcohol, the Highway under construction, no light and warning light ,and out of time to police and community checkpoint. (3) the suggestion were  expansion the time for setting up a police and community checkpoint on Songkran Festival, intensification of law enforcement (Alcoholic Beverage Control Act B.E. 2551 and Road Traffic Act, B.E. 2522) , Increasing measures for sitting at the back of pickup truck on Songkran Festival, analysis of problems in depth and find serious solutions by District Road Safety Director Center collaborate with relevant agencies.

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How to Cite
เจ็กนอก ก. The road traffic injuries investigation of Mass caused on Wan Lai Sakaeo Festival 2018, from a small truck flipped upside down on Highway 317 Sakaeo – Chanthaburi , 19 April 2018. JDPC3 [Internet]. 2020 Apr. 17 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];14(1):12-24. Available from:
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