Publication Ethics


Disease and Health Risk DPC.3 Journal  Publication Ethics


The Disease and Health Risk DPC.3 Journal is published to share and disseminate the most recent advancements in the knowledge and research articles about surveillance, prevention, and control of diseases and health threats of  Office of Disease Prevention and Control 3, Nakhon Sawan Province, and related networks and serve as a forum for sharing and exchanging knowledge and experiences among interested individuals, academia, and those who have been involved in disease control efforts.


Roles and responsibilities of the author:


The author(s) shall not submit an article that has previously been published in other scientific journals. Nor shall they submit a manuscript of which contents are identical to those submitted for publication in other scientific journals. In addition, once the article is published in the Disease and Health Risk DPC.3 Journal, the author(s) shall not have the article published or disseminated in any other sources.


The author(s) shall indicate the funding source(s) for the study research (if any) and disclose any conflicts of interest (if any).


The authors whose names are present in the article must be those who have made actual contributions to the study, i.e. those who have been involved in the development of study conceptual framework, study design, study conduct, and data analysis and interpretation, eventually leading to the article being prepared for publication.


If the article submitted for publication is related to research in human subjects, the author(s) shall provide evidence that the study protocol has been approved by relevant Institutional Review Boards  IRBs)/ Independent Ethics Committees (IECs).


The author(s) shall not be involved in infringement or plagiarism of other scientific publications. In addition, other publications and their author(s) shall always be cited whenever the contents of such other publications are presented or referenced in the author(s)’ article.


The contents, figures, or tables of other publications shall always be cited if the author(s) include those contents, figures, or tables in their article. In addition, evidence of approval from “the source” of other publications shall also be provided to prevent potential copyright infringement. If any legal actions are brought against such copyright infringement, it shall be the author's sole responsibility (s).


In the article submitted for publication, the author(s) shall not report inaccurate or distorted data and information, including fabrication, falsification, distortion, alteration of data and information, as well as selective presentation of data and information that are intended to be specifically consistent with the conclusions of the author(s)’ study results.


If possible, the author(s) shall always ask for permission from those who have contributed to the study before their names are included in the acknowledgments.


Roles and responsibilities of the reviewer:


The reviewer shall focus fundamentally on the quality of the article, which is based primarily on scientific rationale and judgment and is free of bias and personal opinions. In addition, the reviewer shall not have a vested interest in any way about the author(s). If the reviewer has been aware that he/she may have a conflict of interest about the author(s), which will essentially preclude objective assessments and unbiased, independent recommendations, the reviewer shall inform the editor and refuse to review that particular article.


Under no circumstances shall the reviewer benefit in any way from the scientific papers/articles he/she has reviewed. Nor shall the reviewer claim the ownership of the contents of the papers/articles he/she has reviewed, either in part or in its entirety.


The reviewer shall possess the necessary skills and expertise in the field related to the article under review. The review should be focused primarily on the significance of the contents of the article to the discipline, the quality of data analysis, and the robustness of study data. Reference to other major studies that are consistent with the article under review may also be made. In addition, the reviewer should abstain from giving subjective, unsubstantiated comments and using them as the basis for his/her review judgment.


In the case where the reviewer has identified that any parts of the article under review contain statements that are similar to or duplicate with those of other publications, the reviewer shall promptly notify the editor of such similarity of the contents.


The reviewer shall comply with the timeframe required to complete the review set forth by the journal.


The reviewer shall ensure compliance with his/her confidentiality obligations and shall not disclose the information contained in the article submitted for review to any third parties while the article is under review.


Roles and responsibilities of the editor:


The editor’s decision to “accept” or “reject” the submitted article for publication shall depend primarily on the article contents’ conformity to the goal, quality, significance, novelty, and clarity of the article, as well as its relevance to the scope of the Disease and Health Risk DPC.3 Journal. Additionally, a robust, reliable anti-plagiarism program shall also be rigorously implemented to ensure the articles published in the journal are completely free of plagiarism. In the event plagiarized contents are detected, the article review process shall be immediately suspended and the author(s) shall be promptly contacted for clarification.


The editor shall be responsible for reviewing and making a decision whether the study related to the submitted article has utilized relevant study methodology, has had valid, reliable study findings, and has met the requirements for publication in the Disease and Health Risk DPC.3 Journal.


The editor shall use scientific judgment in reviewing the article without prejudice, regardless of the author’s race, sex, religion, culture, political affiliation, and institution.


Under no circumstances shall the editor have a vested interest or a conflict of interest to the author(s) or the reviewer. Nor shall he/she benefit commercially from published articles or the journal or claim the ownership of the publications.


The editor shall not make any changes or alterations to the article and review results provided by the reviewer. Nor shall he/she impede or interfere with the exchange and sharing of data and information between the reviewer and the author(s).


Under no circumstances shall the editor disclose the identity of the author(s) and the reviewer to any third parties while the submitted article is under a review process.


The Editor shall strictly comply with the procedures established by the Disease and Health Risk DPC.3 Journal.


The editor shall be responsible for maintaining high-quality standards of the Disease and Health Risk DPC.3 Journal while ensuring continuous improvement to keep the journal relevant and up-to-date.