Effects of Pharmaceutical Care and Nutrition Counseling for Diabetic Patients in the Diabetic Clinic at Srisomdej Hospital,Roi-et Province
Main Article Content
The aim of this study was to compare number of drug-related problems (DRPs), knowledge about
Diabetes Mellitus, treatment and self management, fasting blood sugar, ability of dietary management, and
body mass index before and after pharmaceutical care and nutrition counseling. The study was conducted
in the outpatients department at Srisomdej Hospital from 8th January to 6th June, 2008 and involved 47
patients. Data were collected by questionnaires and interview before counseling and one and two months
after counseling. The results indicated that numbers of DRPs (DRPs = 60 problems, 31 problems before
and after counseling respectively), fasting blood sugar, and body mass index were significantly decreased
after pharmaceutical care and nutrition counseling (p<0.001, p<0.001, and p=0.05, respectively). Score
of knowledge and score of ability of dietary management were significantly increased after pharmaceutical
care and nutrition counseling (p<0.001 and p<0.001, respectively). From this study, it can be concluded
that the pharmaceutical care process and nutrition counseling reduces DRPs, fasting blood sugar, and
body mass index. It also improves patientsu knowledge and ability to manage diet.
Article Details
In the case that some parts are used by others The author must Confirm that obtaining permission to use some of the original authors. And must attach evidence That the permission has been included
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