Empowerment Process for Individual Diabetic Patients
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Introduction: One to lack of existing research, this study explored steps and processes in empowerment development among individual diabetic patients with poor glycemic control, based on Gibson’s empowerment concept. Method: This participatory action research employed informal interviews in 10 purposively selected diabetic patients with poor glycemic control (hemoglobin A1c > 6.5%) who had been followed up at the diabetic clinic of Nongsaeng Community Hospital. Data were collected from December 2010 to February 2011. Content analysis of empowerment steps and their corresponding processes was used. Results: Empowerment steps and processes found in patients ready to change (n = 3) were similar to those who were not (n = 7) but with a shorter time to further the steps. Steps and processes found in individual patients were varied. Collectively, however, all four steps with their corresponding processes according to Gibson’s empowerment concept were found as follows: 1) “discovering reality” with processes of exploring the problem, seeking information, and perceiving the real problem, 2) “critical refection” with processes of defning strategies to solve the problem, telling their life-experience, and evaluating their problem-solving action, 3) “taking charge” with processes of identifying needs and psychosocial problems, and defning strategies to achieve self-selected goals, and 4) “holding on” with the process of getting and staying motivated. Conclusion: All stages and processes based on the empowerment development concept were found in diabetic patients with poor glycemic control, even though they varied among individual patients. When patients identifed their own concerns and gained the skills and confdence to act upon them, they could potentially solve their own health problems.
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