Effect of integrated learning to learning outcome of pharmacy students.
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The objectives of this study were to evaluate 5 learning outcomes of integrated learning in the project “Health promotion of geriatric patients who have chronic disease in Khruawan community 1) knowledge of hypertension and diabetes mellitus 2) skill of blood pressure and blood sugar measurement 3) attitude towards health care and drug use 4) drug related problem assessment and 5) community skill. The target group of this study was 111 4th year pharmacy students in the first semester of academic year of 2014 at Mahasarakham University. Data were collected during the October-November 2014. Student must integrated knowledge and skill from curriculum for chronic patient care comprise drug use and health education, blood pressure and blood sugar measurement and monitoring, compliance, drug related problem assessment and solving. Patients were monitor 3 visits in the community. The study result found that after project 1) the average knowledge scores was increased significantly (19.22 ±2.79 and 20.79± 2.37 p < 0.001). 2) student’s skill of blood pressure and blood sugar measurement was increased significantly 3) student’s attitude was increased significantly (4.45±0.43 and 4.58±0.48, p = 0.013). 4) drug related problem assessment in the part of adverse drug reactions assessment and 5) community skill in the part of education for health problem and drug related problem prevention to the patients in community were increased significantly (p = 0.016).This study showed that integrated learning, “Health promotion of geriatric patients who have chronic disease in community, improve student’s knowledge, skill and attitude for healthcare in geriatrics with chronic disease. The findings could be used to developed the integrated teaching and learning in community.
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