Meta-analysis of smoking cessation medications on continuous abstinence rate at 1 year

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Worawan Minphimai
Onanong Waleekhachonloet
Supon Limwattananon
Chulaporn Limwattananon


Introduction: The aim of this study was to systematically review studies on smoking cessation medications and to conduct meta-analysis of efficacy of the first-line drugson continuous abstinence rate (CAR) at 1 year. Materials and Method: MEDLINE was searched from an inception to January 2015. Only studies using RCT design were selected. Primary outcome was a continuous abstinence at 1 year, confirmed by end-expiration carbon monoxide level ≤ 10 ppm or urinary cotinine level < 60 ng/ml. Results: Six studies of 4,456patients that passed selection criteria were included for the meta-analysis. All studies had high quality with Jadad score of 5. Varenicline and Bupropion contributed to a significantly higher CAR than placebo (OR, 2.56; 95% CI, 1.98-3.31 and OR, 1.86; 95% CI, 1.47-2.36, respectively). Comparing between the two drugs, Varenicline was more efficacious than Bupropion(OR,1.66; 95% CI,1.27-2.15). Conclusion: Our study confirmed the efficacy of both Varenicline and Bupropion over the placebo control and a higher efficacy of Vareniclinethan Bupropion in smoking cessation for one year.

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Pharmaceutical Practice


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