Experience of Health Product Reviews in Pharmacy Students in Thailand
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The Studies has objectives is to study the situation of health product reviews among pharmacy students in Thailand and their knowledge of pharmacy professional laws and ethics. Method: This study is a cross-sectional survey research. The researcher collected data from 20 December 2022 to 28 February 2023 using an online survey by publicizing voluntary participation in the research project through the Thailand Pharmacy Student Club. The study population was undergraduate pharmacy students of all years in Thailand. The instrument used was a questionnaire consisting of 3 parts: year of study, health product review experience, 20 items on personal ethics, 10 items on legal knowledge, and professional ethics. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and correlational analysis. Results: The study found that the sample consisted of 544 people from 19 institutions. The most second-year respondents, 147 people (27.00 %) participated in the study. The study found that health product reviews among the sample group from highest to lowest: cosmetics reviews, dietary supplement reviews, and drug reviews (17.65 %, 16.54 %, and 4.23 %, respectively). The average score in the pharmacy profession's knowledge of laws and ethics regarding health product reviews was in six years, with the highest score of 8.40 ± 1.29 (mean ± standard deviation, total score of 10 points). The trend was that the sample group had an increasing average knowledge score according to the academic year. Legal knowledge, ethics, and behavior scores were statistically significantly related (R=0.566, p<0.001). Conclusion: Most pharmacy students have knowledge of laws and ethics related to health product reviews, including had experience reviewing or saw students reviewing health products. Moreover, their understanding is only at a moderate level during their early years of study. Therefore, it is important to enhance the understanding of laws and ethics related to health product reviews among pharmacy students from the beginning of their studies.
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