Predictors of Cognitive Function and Quality of Life in Schizophrenia Patients
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Objective: To determine the factors predicting cognitive function and quality of life in schizophrenic patients Method: This analytical study recruited subjects with schizophrenia in Nong Song Hong hospital. Data were collected by 3 instruments: 1) The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) Thai version 2) The Thai version of the brief form of the WHO quality of life and 3) Psychological assessment Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) and analyzed by descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression analysis. Results: A total of 42 patients were enrolled in the study. The majority of the patients were 28 males (66.7%). All patients had cognitive impairment because MoCA < 25 scores. MoCA scores were 15.38 ± 4.33 scores. Almost all patients had fewer symptoms on the psychological assessment (90.47%). The schizophrenic patients had a moderate quality of life. The WHOQOL–BREF–THAI scores were 90.62 ± 10.89 scores. The statistically significant predicting factors which negatively related to cognitive function were history of epilepsy, diabetes mellitus and clozapine usage (P<0.05). The quality of life was negatively associated with smoking (P=0.029). Conclusion: This study showed the effects of many factors on cognitive function and quality of life Therefore, monitoring and control of these factors can improve the treatment outcomes of schizophrenic patients.
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