Construct Validity of the CES-D Depression scale among Student

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Chanuttha Pioylearmsang


This survey research aimed to examine the construct validity of CES-D depression scale. The samples were 201 of the first to the third year students of Mahasarakham University. Factor analysis with Principle Component Analysis (PCA) and varimax rotation with factor loading more than 0.4 was performed. The self-administration, CES-D ordinal scale comprised of 20 statements. The results showed good reliability of scale with Alpha Cronbach coefficient of 0.87. All statements can be extracted into four factors which each factor could explain depression variance of 32.21%, 8.70%, 5.63% and 5.97% respectively. The total explained variance was 52.51%. Comparing with the original English version and other Thai version, this CES-D depression scale showed good construct validity. It can be applied in students for depression screening, finding factors and solving problems that caused the depression in students.

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