The Effect of Self-efficacy Promotion Program on Knowledge, Attitude, COVID-19 Prevention Behaviors and ATK Practical Skills Among Fifth-Grade Elementary School Students in Bangkok Metropolitan Area


  • Wassana Rungrojwattana Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Kanjana Punyapet Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College


self-efficacy promotion program, knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, ATK practical skills


The study aimed to investigate the effect of self-efficacy promotion program on knowledge, attitude, COVID-19 prevention behaviors and ATK practical skills among fifth-grade elementary school students in Bangkok Metropolitan area by using Quasi-experimental research designs, two group pretest-posttest and follow-up to examine. A cluster-random sample of 62 students was divided into an experimental group 31 students and a control group 31 students. The instruments were a knowledge questionnaire, attitude questionnaire, COVID-19 Prevention Behaviors questionnaire, and ATK practical skills questionnaire. The content validity index (CVI) of the entire questionnaire was .97, with reliability of .88, .71, .84, and .86, respectively. Data were analyzed using a repeated two-way ANOVA and an independent t-test.The results showed that after the intervention and evaluation phases were completed, the experimental group achieved a higher average score of knowledge, attitude, COVID-19 prevention behaviors and ATK practical skills than the control group, with statistical significance (p< .01). Within the experimental group for each period, there was a statistical difference in knowledge score (F = 27.873, p < .001), attitude (F = 13.302, p < .001), COVID-19 prevention behaviors (F = 13.439, p < .001), and ATK practical skills (F = 20.916, p < .001). This program provides students with the knowledge, attitudes, COVID-19 prevention behaviors and ATK practical skills. Community health nurse could apply this program by working cooperatively with the teacher in order to apply this program in classroom teaching and be available to other student groups to disseminate knowledge and skills to advance policy change and establish curriculum teaching in elementary schools throughout the country.


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How to Cite

Rungrojwattana, W., & Punyapet, K. (2023). The Effect of Self-efficacy Promotion Program on Knowledge, Attitude, COVID-19 Prevention Behaviors and ATK Practical Skills Among Fifth-Grade Elementary School Students in Bangkok Metropolitan Area. Journal of Health and Health Management, 9(1), 224–237. Retrieved from



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