Effects of Nursing Management Counseling Forwards Professional Nurse Competency in Covid-19 Pandemic
Nursing Management Counseling, Professional Nurse Competency, Covid-19 PandemicAbstract
The quasi-experimental research aimed to study comparing to professional nurse competency before and after counseling in Covid-19 pandemic. The subjects were 20 professional nurses from 5 hospitals selected by purposing sampling. The professional nurse competency data collected in May to June, 2022. The instruments used in this study consisted of 1. the professional nurse competency questionaires in Covid-19 pandemic with the reliability 0.88 2. group counseling model with nursing management forwards professional nurse competency in Covid-19 pandemic with Index of item - objective congruence (IOC) ranged from 0.67-1.00. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics of mean, standard deviation and comparing to professional nurse competency before and after counseling in Covid-19 pandemic by Dependent T-test. It was found that: The professional nurse competency in Covid-19 pandemic before and after counseling was significant difference at p < .05 level by the means of professional nurse competency in overall view and each aspect after counseling was higher than before. The Interested persons can apply this counseling model to develop the other nurse competency or nursing executives are able to be applied guideline for counseling system management in nursing organization.
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