Effects of Using a Care Management Model That Integates Care Theory and Evangelical Council Towards Caring Behaviors Perceived of the Caregivers and Older Person’s Satisfaction
Care Management Model, Care Theory, Evangelical Council, Perceived of The Caregivers BehaviorsAbstract
The purpose of this quasi-experimental one group pretest and posttest design. Research was to study the effects of using a care management model that integrates care theory with Evangelical Council towards caring behaviors of The caregivers and older person’s satisfaction. The sample consisted of 11 caregivers for the elderly who have worked in the St. Joseph Convent Elderly Home and 20 elderly persons. The research instrument was a care management model that integrates the theory of care with Evangelical Council. The tools used for data collection are as follows: The first part was a questionnaire for the perceptions of caring behaviors of elderly caregivers in the elderly care practice and the second part was the elderly satisfaction questionnaire. The content validity of the whole questionnaire was validated by 3 experts, The CVI value of both parts of the instrument was 1, the alpha coefficient was found to be .93 and .97. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test, measured before and after applying a care management model that integrates care theory with Evangelical Council. The results showed that perceived care behavior of elderly caregivers was at a very high level (=4.65, SD=0.26) and the older person's satisfaction in receiving care from the elderly caregivers also was at the high level (
= 4.19, SD=.36), The perception of caring behavior of elderly caregivers and the satisfaction of the elderly on receiving care from elderly caregivers was higher than before using the care management model that integrated care theory with the Evangelical Council statistically significant at the .01 level.
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