Relationship and Influence of Health Literacy and Controlled Glycemic Behavior among Diabetes Mellitus Type2 Patients at Kantharalak Hospital, Sisaket Province
health literacy, glycemic control behavior, type 2 diabeticsAbstract
The purpose of this predictive relationship research was study 1) To study the level of health literacy and glycemic control behavior of diabetic patients. 2) To study the relationship between health literacy and glycemic control behavior of diabetic patients. and 3) To study the influence of health literacy and glucose control behavior of diabetic patients. The sample consisted of patients with type 2 diabetes who received services in a non-communicable disease clinic. Kantharalak Hospital Sisaket Province Selected according on inclusion criteria, a total of 351 people. Data were collected using 4 questionnaires consisting of general information, knowledge of type 2 diabetes, health literacy, and glycemic control behavior. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Chi -square and inferential statistics. The results of study were as follows: The sample group had a very good score of glycemic control behavior (Mean= 90.00, SD = 12.75), had a moderate level of knowledge about type2 diabetes Mellitus (mean = 5.12 points score), and 4 factors of health literacy. including access to information and health services health communication, self-management, Media and information literacy was moderate mean score (Mean = 3.03, SD = 1.18), knowledge of type 2 diabetes was correlated with glycemic control behavior (χ2=394.89, p < .05), knowledge had a moderate level of influence on glycemic control behavior (χ2cramer’ V= .40). Also, the health literacy skill were moderately associated with glycemic control behavior (r = .49, p < .05), and had a moderate influence on glycemic control behavior (β=.48, p < .05) and could predict glycemic control behavior at 24.30% (R2=.243, p < .05). From the results of the study, it was suggested that the nurses should promote health literacy with a focus on education. Guides access to health information and services. health communication self-management media and information literacy, which is a factor that promotes patients to have better glucose control behaviors.
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