The Effects of Contemplative Education Program to Enhance Resilience and Happiness of Nursing Practice Among Nursing Students
Contemplative Education, Resilience, Happiness, Practice, Nursing StudentsAbstract
This quasi-experimental research, a non-randomized control group pretest-posttest design, aimed to study the effects of a contemplative education program to enhance resilience and happiness in nursing practice among nursing students. 74 second-year nursing students studying Principles and Techniques in Nursing Practicum at Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Buddhachinaraj, were recruited to the study. They were divided into experimental and control groups, 37 each. The experimental group participated in contemplative pedagogy, while the control group practiced routine in the clinics. The research intervention was a contemplative education program. The research collecting instruments were resilience and happiness questionnaires. The validity of the questionnaires, related to a contemplative education program, and resilience and happiness, were approved at 1.0, .95, and 1.0, respectively. The reliability of resilience and happiness questionnaires were also approved at .87 and .86, respectively. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, independence t-test, and paired t-test. The result revealed that the mean score of resilience and happiness after approaching the contemplative pedagogy of the experimental group was significantly higher than before undergoing the intervention. The scores were higher than that of the control group at levels .01 and .001, respectively. The study's results indicated that contemplative education could enhance resilience and happiness during nursing practice. In addition, it can be used as a guideline for improving the quality of nursing students' practice.
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