The Effects of Adolescent Literacy Promoting Program on the Psychological Well-Being of Students at a Private University


  • Arpakorn Prewnim Faculty of Nursing, Thammasat University
  • Chomchun Somprasert Faculty of Nursing, Thammasat University
  • Nutchanart Bunthumporn Faculty of Nursing, Thammasat University


Adolescents, Adolescent Literacy Program, Psychological Well-Being


This study was a quasi-experimental study to the effect of adolescent literacy promotion program on the psychological well-being of students at a private university. The experimental group consisted of 32 students in a private university and the control group consisted of 31 students who studied and lived normally at a private university. The experimental period was 6 weeks. Data collection was done using the psychological well-being scale with a reliability of .95. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistic, independent t-test statistics, dependent t-type statistics. and statistical analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) when the pre-experiment psychological well-being score was a covariate. The level of statistically significance was set at the .05 level. The results showed that 1) After the experiment, the psychological well-being score of the experimental group was higher than before. 2) When the mean of pretest psychological well-being score was calculated as the covariate to predict the psychological well-being score, it was found that the experimental group had a higher mean psychological well-being score than the control group by the difference of the mean post-experimental psychological well-being score of the experimental group and the control group were statistically significant difference. 3) 19.7 % of those who participated in the adolescent literacy program had higher psychological well-being scores than those who studied and normal activity. The results of this study, it shows that this adolescent literacy promotion program can be applied in universities according to the actual situation or the context of each institution


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How to Cite

Prewnim, A., Somprasert, C., & Bunthumporn, N. (2023). The Effects of Adolescent Literacy Promoting Program on the Psychological Well-Being of Students at a Private University. Journal of Health and Health Management, 9(1), 161–173. Retrieved from



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