The Development of Referral Continuing Care Model for Pain Management in Advance cancer Patient


  • Sirikanda Kokaew Department of Nursing in Patient, Cluster of Nursing Lopburi Cancer Hospital
  • Rattanaporn Wangkahad Department of Nursing in Patient, Cluster of Nursing Lopburi Cancer Hospital
  • Punyapat Meepin Department of Nursing in Patient, Cluster of Nursing Lopburi Cancer Hospital
  • Yupa Sarunyuset Department of Nursing in Patient, Cluster of Nursing Lopburi Cancer Hospital
  • Panta Apiruknapanond Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College


The Referral Continuing Care Model, Advance Stage of Cancer Patient, Pain Management


The Quasi–Experimental Research aims to (1) to develop the referral continuing care model for pain management in advance stage of cancer patients(2) to compare pain management scores between experimental and control groups (2) to compare the satisfaction of the professional nurses toward the referral continuing care model for pain management between experimental and control groups. The samples were (1) professional nurses who involve in the referral continuing care model for pain management and (2) an advance stage of cancer patients at the End of Life stage with PPS level ≤ 50% who receiving treatment In Lopburi Cancer Hospital and plan discharge for continuing care at the community, 48 patients. There are 24 patients for experimental group. and 24 patients are control groups. The experimental instrument was used in this research project, developed by the researcher called the referral continuing care model for pain management in advance stage of cancer patients. And 2 instruments were used for collecting the data; the pain assessment scale and the tool for assessing satisfaction of 22 professional nurses toward the referral continuing care model, using non-parametric statistics of Mann-Whitney U-test. The results revealed that (1) The experimental group had mean scores of pain scores lower than those in the control group at the level of 95 percent confidence (p-value =<.05). (2) The experimental group, professional nurses had mean score of the satisfaction of the referral continuing care model higher than the control group level of at the level of 95 percent confidence (p-value <.05). Therefore, the referral continuing care model for pain management in advance stage of cancer patients in Lopburi Cancer Hospital can manage life threatening on suffering for pain than traditional referral care model for pain management.


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How to Cite

Kokaew, S., Wangkahad, R., Meepin, P., Sarunyuset, Y., & Apiruknapanond, P. (2023). The Development of Referral Continuing Care Model for Pain Management in Advance cancer Patient. Journal of health and health management, 9(1), 111–122. retrieved from



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