Experience of Nursing Administration of Nursing Department toward Generation Z Nurses at Private Hospitals in Thailand


  • Chutchavarn Wongsaree Faculty of Nursing, Northbangkok University
  • Kaewtawan Sirilukkananan Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Sudthicharat Charoenphong Boromarajonani College of Nursing Chiang Mai, Boromarajchanok Institute
  • Tawiphong Bubpharat Baan oun Clinic Co., Ltd., Khlong Sam Branch, Pathumthani
  • Thanannipha Phaksuknithiwat Faculty of Nursing, Western University, Buriram
  • Vanida Durongrittichai Faculty of Nursing and Health Science, Phetchaburi Rajabhat University
  • Amporn Jeangwirichaikull Faculty of Nursing, Northbangkok University
  • Saivaree Ketkaew Faculty of Nursing, Northbangkok University


Nursing Administration, Nursing Department at Private Hospitals, Generation Z Nurses


This descriptive qualitative research aimed to describe experience of nursing administration of nursing department toward generation Z nurses of large private hospitals. The study used Edmund Husserl phenomenology approach. The participant 24 key informants is director of nursing or deputy, first-line nurse managers and head of human resource management. Recruited by purposing sampling, data were collected through in-depth interviews, observations, and tape record. Clolaizzi approached and Atlas ti 6.1 program for content analysis was used to analyze data in this study. Experience of nursing administration of nursing department toward generation Z nurses. There are consists of categorized into 6 major themes : 1) Recruiting staff nurses, funding selected nursing learners and recruited those with mildest personality. 2) Relationships created by organizing activities with other departments and providing part-time work in different nursing departments. 3) Retention nurses on task by creating a career path for growth, provide fair compensation and care of good welfare. 4) Renovation works culture, emphasize reasoning and empirical evidence rather than the senior system. Fostering innovation and diverse cultures in the work system. 5) Reconciliation and aspiration created, focus on effective conflict management, motivate them to work with appreciation, reward and develop expertise to match the task., and 6) Resource management, manage resources to be more cost-effective by promoting awareness of ownership. Nursing departments and head nurses should all research findings apply principle in nursing management, for good benefit of generation Z nurses and generation’s diversity in work systems.


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How to Cite

Wongsaree, C., Sirilukkananan, K., Charoenphong, S., Bubpharat, T., Phaksuknithiwat, T., Durongrittichai, V., Jeangwirichaikull, A., & Ketkaew, S. (2023). Experience of Nursing Administration of Nursing Department toward Generation Z Nurses at Private Hospitals in Thailand. Journal of health and health management, 9(1), 59–72. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/slc/article/view/258205



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