Relationship Between Selection Factors on the Administrative Performance of Professional Nurse in Foundation Hospital in Bangkok


  • Nathachon Daorerk Nursing Department, Saint Louis Hospital
  • Panta Apiruknapanond Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Oraphun Lueboonthavatchai Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College


competency, administrative of professional nurse, Foundation hospital


The purposes of this descriptive research were to study the level of administrative competence of registered nurses in Foundation hospital in Bangkok, and to examined the relationship between the selection factors, which consisted of personal factors comprising sex, age, marital status, burden of taking care of family members, education level, duration of work, place of work, admission to nursing management training and income 2) work experience consists of having good role model, getting support from the organizations and families , place of work, attitude towards nursing administration and getting justice with the competence of professional nurses in the Foundation hospital in Bangkok. The sample group was registered nurses by the Nursing Council for not less than 5 years, amounting to 205 registered nurses selected by a simple random. Research instruments were comprised of demographic data, experience of work and perceived of administrative performance of professional nurse. The quality of questionnaires, the content validity was .92 and reliability was .92. The data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, chi-square and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The results indicated that as follows: 1) the total level of the administrative competency of professional nurses was at a high level. 2) personal factors comprising sex, age, marital status, burden of taking care of family members, education level, duration of work, place of work, admission to nursing management training and income found that there were no statistically significant relationship with the administrative competency of professional nurses at Foundation hospitals in Bangkok 3) the experience of work by overall and each aspect were significantly associated with administrative competence of registered nurses in Foundation hospital in Bangkok with a statistical significance of .05.According to the results can provide a guideline for developing appropriate administrative performance of professional nurse


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How to Cite

Daorerk, N., Apiruknapanond, P., & Lueboonthavatchai, O. (2023). Relationship Between Selection Factors on the Administrative Performance of Professional Nurse in Foundation Hospital in Bangkok. Journal of Health and Health Management, 9(1), 238–248. Retrieved from



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