Effects of Using Nursing Team Work Model with Nursing Process on Professional Nurses’ Problem- Solving Competency and Self- Care Behavior of Older Adults with Hip Fracture Surgery
Nursing Team, Nursing Process, Competency of Professional Nursing, Self-Care Behavior of older AdultsAbstract
This research was quasi-experimental design to study compare problem-solving competencies of professional nurses and self-care behaviors of elderly people hip fracture to the use of nursing teamwork and nursing process. The sample group consisted of 22 professional nurses, divided into a control group and an experimental group, 11 people each. The elderly who received hip surgery, 60 people were divided into the control group. and an experimental group of 30 people each. The tools used for data collection were: 1) the problem solving competency questionnaire of professional nurses The researcher used the concept of (Potter & Perry, 2017) and 2) Self-care behavior questionnaire of the elderly undergoing hip bone surgery. Based on the concept of Veena Wongngam (2013) There were 3 experts to validate the questionnaire with CVI of 0.96 and 0.92, and Cronbach alpha with 0.87 and 0.80. The data were analyzed using mean values. standard deviation, Mann-Whitney Test statistics. The results are as follows 1) The problem solving competency of professional nurses in the experimental group after using the nursing team model and nursing process was significantly higher than the control group at P<.05 and 2) Caring behavior. Self-efficacy of the elderly who received hip bone surgery in the experimental group using the nursing team model combined with nursing process was significantly higher than the control group at P<.05.
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