Predicting Factors of Palliative Care of Professional Nurses’ Competencies,The Chaturathit Hospitals, The Ministry of Public Health


  • Wilai Wongklaw Specializing in Nursing Group, Samut Prakan Hospitalss
  • Gunyadar Pajusin Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College
  • Oraphun Lueboonthawatchai Faculty of Nursing, Saint Louis College


emotional intelligence, Palliative care of professional nurses’ competencies, work environment


This research study aims to 1) investigate the relationship between the ability to provide structured care, emotional intelligence, and work environment, 2) study the relationship between emotional intelligence and work environment with the ability to provide structured care among professional nurses and 3) investigate the factors that can jointly predict the ability to provide structured care among professional nurses in the Chaturathit hospital. The sample group consists of 255 professional nurses who provide structured care at Chaturathit Hospital. The data collection tools include personal information questionnaire, emotional intelligence questionnaire, working environment questionnaire, and the ability to supervise and manage the nursing profession, which have been verified for content by experts and tested for reliability using Cronbach's alpha method, have values of .932, .958, and .980 respectively. And the CVI values are .97, .93 and .95 respectively.The data analysis will be conducted using descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and multiple regression analysis. The findings of this research will provide useful information for the development of nursing staff's supervision ability and work environment in the Chaturathit Hospital. The intelligence of emotions and working environment (average score = 4.01, 4.10 and 3.97 respectively) have a positive correlation with the ability of nursing staff to provide comprehensive care at Chaturathit Hospital. This correlation is statistically significant (p < .05) with correlation coefficients of .777 and .773 respectively. The factors that can predict the ability of nursing staff to provide comprehensive care at Chaturathit Hospital are intelligence of emotions and working environment (p < .05) with a prediction power of 68.50% (R2 = .685) This research is a guide in evaluating the performance of professional nurses in a controlled environment. It aims to motivate professional nurses to develop themselves, improve their communication skills, understanding of themselves and others, and increase their ability to manage themselves and create harmony with others. This will lead to a more effective performance in their work.


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How to Cite

Wongklaw, W., Pajusin, G., & Lueboonthawatchai, O. (2023). Predicting Factors of Palliative Care of Professional Nurses’ Competencies,The Chaturathit Hospitals, The Ministry of Public Health. Journal of health and health management, 9(1), 86–98. retrieved from



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