simulation-based learning, debriefing, nursing educationAbstract
Simulation-based learning (SBL) is an instructional technique designed to engage learners and foster the development of knowledge, attitudes, practical skills, critical thinking, and decision-making in nursing practice. Debriefing is a crucial component of SBL that enables learners to achieve learning objectives and integrate theoretical knowledge with clinical nursing practice. This is accomplished through structured reflection, analytical thinking, problem-solving, and performance evaluation. The learner-centered approach ensures that scenarios are tailored to the learners’ levels of knowledge and experience. Facilitators must possess a deep understanding of the scenarios and demonstrate skills in providing constructive feedback, guiding reflective discussions, active listening, using open-ended questions, and offering rationales to support decision-making. Moreover, facilitators should create a psychologically safe environment to maximize learning outcomes. To enhance the debriefing process in SBL, widely accepted models such as the Gather, Analyze, Summarize (GAS) Model and the Promoting Excellence and Reflective Learning in Simulation (PEARLS) framework are recommended. These models provide clear structures and effective methodologies for conducting debriefing, encouraging systematic analytical thinking, and supporting learners in achieving the desired learning outcomes.
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