depression, perceived social support, resilience, hope, perceived stressAbstract
This descriptive correlational research aimed to investigate: 1) the level of depression among nursing students; and 2) the relationships between perceived social support, resilience, hope, perceived stress, and COVID-19 exposure with depression among nursing students during the COVID-19 pandemic. The participants were 225 nursing students studying at a nursing college in Bangkok from October to November 2022. Data collection instruments included a demographic questionnaire, the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (Thai-MSPSS), the Resilience Inventory, the Herth Hope Index, the Perceived Stress Scale, the COVID-19 Exposure Questionnaire, and the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlation, and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient.
The findings revealed that the mean depression score was 15.18 (SD = 7.85), and 19.1% of participants reported experiencing depression. Perceived social support, resilience, and hope were negatively and significantly associated with depression (r = -.560, -.569, and -.609, respectively; p = .000). In contrast, perceived stress and COVID-19 exposure were positively and significantly related to depression (r =.732, p = .000; r = .139, p = .038).
The results of this study provide important information that can be used in planning care and developing programs to prevent and reduce depression among nursing students during the COVID-19 outbreak.
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