
  • Poungpun Wutiyasakol Community Nursing Department, Nakhon Pathom Hospital
  • Kamollabhu Thanomsat Faculty of Nursing, Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University 0000-0003-0567-6598


Phailom model, fall, older adults


              This quasi-experimental study aimed to compare the effects of The Phailom model on fall risk, balance ability, leg muscle strength, and fall prevention behavior among elderly individuals in urban communities. The study involved 96 older adults from urban communities in the Mueang Nakhon Pathom District, Nakhon Pathom Province, Thailand. They were equally divided into a control group and an experimental group. Participants were selected using multi-stage random sampling. The research instruments included: 1) the Thai Falls Risk Assessment test (Thai-FRAT) for fall risk assessment, 2) the Timed Up and Go test (TUGT) for balance assessment, 3) the 30-Second Chair Stand Test (30s-CST) for leg muscle strength evaluation, and 4) a fall prevention behavior assessment with a reliability of .87. Data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and independent t-test.

              The findings indicated that participants in the experimental group who engaged in activities based on the Phailom model had significantly lower fall risk than those in the control group at the .05 significance level (t = -2.275, p = .029). Furthermore, the experimental group demonstrated significantly higher balance ability, leg muscle strength, and fall prevention behaviors compared to the control group at the .05 significance level (t = -5.374, 6.303, 5.798, p = .000, respectively).

              Therefore, these findings suggested that primary healthcare services should implement the Phailom model to promote the health of older adults and prevent falls, particularly within the context of urban communities.



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Fall in old adults




How to Cite

Wutiyasakol, P., & Thanomsat, K. (2024). EFFECTS OF THE PHAILOM MODEL ON FALL PREVENTION AMONG OLDER ADULTS IN URBAN COMMUNITIES. JOURNAL OF THE POLICE NURSES AND HEALTH SCIENCE, 16(2), 262–273. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/policenurse/article/view/270450



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