attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, academic performance, practical problems, internet addiction, nursing studentAbstract
This descriptive research aimed to investigate the relationship between attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms and academic performance, practical problems, and internet addiction among nursing students. The sample consisted of 216 third- and fourth-year nursing students enrolled in the Bachelor of Nursing Science Program at a nursing education institution in northeastern Thailand. The research instruments for data collection were the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale Thai Version (ASRS-v1.1), a questionnaire on the opinions of nursing students towards practical problems on the ward, and the internet addiction test. The reliability indices of the research instruments were tested using Cronbach’s alpha coefficients, yielding values of .94, .95, and .96, respectively. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient.
The findings revealed that ADHD symptoms were positively and significantly related to practical problems and internet addiction (r = .51, p < .05; r = .58, p < .05, respectively). On the other hand, there was no relationship between ADHD symptoms and academic performance (r = .03, p > .05). These findings can serve as foundational information for developing college guidelines aimed at reducing practical problems and preventing unnecessary and excessive internet use among nursing students with ADHD.
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