
  • Nattanat Mekawan Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University, Bangkok, 10700, Thailand
  • Wanna Phahuwatanakorn Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University, Bangkok, 10700, Thailand
  • Ameporn Ratinthorn Faculty of Nursing, Mahidol University, Bangkok, 10700, Thailand


self-esteem, attitude towards pregnancy, social support, transition to motherhood, pregnant teenagers


          This predictive research aimed to identify factors influencing the transition to motherhood among first-time pregnant teenagers. The participants consisted of 99 pregnant teenagers aged 10 - 19 who visited the antenatal clinic at Police General Hospital. Data were collected through demographic, social support, self-esteem, attitude towards pregnancy, and maternal identity exploration questionnaires. These questionnaires were evaluated for content validity by three experts, and each version had a content validity index of 1.00. The reliability values were .97, .85, .89, and .94, respectively. Data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and multiple linear regression analysis.

          The results showed that self - esteem, pregnancy planning, attitude towards pregnancy, good quality antenatal care, and social support were able to be utilized to co-predict the transition to motherhood among the participants who are pregnant teenagers by 47.7% (R = .691, R2= .477, R2Adjusted= .449, F(5,93) = 16.981, p = .000). The variables predicted with statistical significance at the .05 level were attitudes towards pregnancy and self-esteem.

          The results revealed that self-esteem, pregnancy planning, attitude towards pregnancy, good-quality antenatal care, and social support collectively predicted the transition to motherhood among the pregnant teenagers by 47.7 (R = .691, R2= .477, R2Adjusted= .449, F(5,93) = 16.981,
p = .000). The variables that significantly predicted the transition at the .05 level were attitudes towards pregnancy and self-esteem.

          It is recommended that nurses focus on promoting positive attitudes towards pregnancy and enhancing self-esteem to facilitate an appropriate transition to motherhood for pregnant teenagers.


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How to Cite

Mekawan, N., Phahuwatanakorn, W., & Ratinthorn, A. (2023). FACTORS INFLUENCING TRANSITION TO MOTHERHOOD AMONG PREGNANT TEENAGERS. JOURNAL OF THE POLICE NURSES AND HEALTH SCIENCE, 15(2), 307–318. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/policenurse/article/view/265953



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