
  • Laphitsara Sawhatdirak Chaiyaphum Hospital, Mueang District, Chaiyaphum, 10702, Thailand
  • Somdee Ananpatiwet Faculty of Nursing Science, Vongchavalitkul University, Nakhon Ratchasima, 30000, Thailand
  • Bhanwasa Jantasin Faculty of Nursing Science, Vongchavalitkul University, Nakhon Ratchasima, 30000, Thailand
  • Pornnipa Leelathanalerk Chaiyaphum Hospital, Mueang District, Chaiyaphum, 10702, Thailand


nursing service system, patients with sepsis


           Sepsis is a major cause of mortality in hospital patients. This research and development (R&D) study aimed to develop and evaluate a nursing service system for patients with sepsis at Chaiyaphum Hospital (CPH Sepsis Nursing Service System).  The sample consisted of three groups selected through purposive sampling. Group 1 included 43 professional nurses working in the medical wards. Group 2 comprised a multidisciplinary team with 30 healthcare providers, and Group 3 consisted of medical records of patients with sepsis, totaling 189 cases. The study was divided into three phases: 1) the situation analysis phase; 2) the nursing service system development phase; and 3) the evaluation phase of the nursing service system development. Four instruments were utilized to collect data, including an opinion survey questionnaire for executives/multidisciplinary teams, a knowledge test, a nursing practice skills assessment form, and a satisfaction questionnaire for the multidisciplinary team regarding the nursing service system. The reliability indices of the research instruments were .53, .75, and .90, respectively. Descriptive statistics, including the Wilcoxon signed-rank test, were employed to analyze the data.

           The findings revealed that the developed nursing service system for patients with sepsis at Chaiyaphum Hospital was practical in the medical wards. Professional nurses exhibited higher nursing knowledge and skills than before the use of the developed nursing service system (Z = -5.733 and Z = -5.726, p = .000, respectively). The majority of multidisciplinary team members were highly satisfied with the developed nursing service system for each issue (M = 4.17 - 4.73). Additionally, mortality outcomes among patients with sepsis decreased from 78.08% before the use of the nursing service system to 66.67% and 62.65% after using the developed nursing service system.



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How to Cite

Sawhatdirak, L. ., Ananpatiwet, S., Jantasin, B. ., & Leelathanalerk, P. . (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF NURSING SERVICE SYSTEM FOR PATIENTS WITH SEPSIS, CHAIYAPHUM HOSPITAL. JOURNAL OF THE POLICE NURSES AND HEALTH SCIENCE, 15(2), 182–194. retrieved from



Research Articles