resource-enhancing program, stress management skill, caregivers, diabetes mellitus patientsAbstract
This quasi-experimental research aimed to 1) compare the stress management skills of caregivers of diabetes mellitus patients in the community of the experimental group before and after a resource-enhancing program, and 2) compare the stress management skills of caregivers of diabetes mellitus patients in the community, before and after a resource-enhancing program, between the participants who attended an experimental group and a control group. The sample consisted of 44 caregivers of diabetes mellitus patients, recruited based on inclusion criteria, and randomly assigned to the control and experimental groups, each comprising 22 subjects. The experimental group participated in the resource-enhancing program, which spanned four sessions conducted once a week for four weeks, while the control group received routine care. The research instruments included a personal data questionnaire, the resource-enhancing program, and a stress management skills scale, achieved a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of .87 for content validity by three experts. Data analysis employed descriptive statistics and t-tests.
The research findings indicated that 1) the mean post-test score (M = 72.05, SD = 11.01) of participants in the experimental group, after engaging in the program, was significantly higher than the pre-test score (M = 55.50, SD = 14.98) (t = 3.92, p = .000), and 2) the mean difference in stress management skills scores between the pre-test and post-test in the experimental group was significantly greater than that of the control group receiving routine care (t = 4.14, p = .000).
Therefore, the resource-enhancing program proved effective in enhancing the stress management skills of caregivers of diabetes mellitus patients in the community.
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