

integration, smoking cessation, primary health services


           This quasi - experimental research aimed 1) to compare the smoking status of smokers after receiving services from the integrated smoking cessation program in primary healthcare services with a group that receives standard nursing care, and 2) to compare the smoking status of smokers after receiving counseling from the national telephone smoking cessation service with a group that receives standard nursing care. The sample of the study consisted of smokers aged 18 to 75 who smoked either cigarettes or roll-your-own cigarettes in Nakhon Pathom province. Participants were stratified into three groups, each comprising 72 individuals: 1) those receiving the integrated smoking cessation service system in primary health services, 2) those undergoing counseling from the Thailand National Quitline (TNQ) counselor, and 3) those receiving standard nursing care. Matching was performed based on age and nicotine addiction levels. The research utilized the Integrated Smoking Cessation Service System in Primary Health Services as the experimental tool, and data collection involved a questionnaire assessing smoking cessation prevalence at the 6-month mark. Descriptive statistics and bivariate logistic regression analysis were employed for data analysis.

           The research revealed successful smoking cessation rates as follows: 55.56% for the group receiving the integrated smoking cessation service system, 40.28% for the TNQ counseling group, and 5.56% for the standard nursing care group. Comparing the smoking status of each group, individuals in the integrated smoking cessation service system group exhibited a 21.25 times higher likelihood of successful quitting compared to those receiving usual care (OR = 21.25, 95%CI = 7.00 - 64.50). Similarly, the group receiving counseling only from the TNQ had an 11.47 times higher chance of successful quitting compared to the standard nursing care group (OR = 11.47, 95%CI = 3.77 - 34.89). Therefore, the implementation of an integrated smoking cessation service system in primary healthcare facilities is recommended to enhance smoking cessation efforts in the community.


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How to Cite

Thanomsat, K., Yunibhand, J. ., & Preechawong, S. . (2023). EFFECTS OF THE INTEGRATED SMOKING CESSATION SERVICE SYSTEM IN PRIMARY HEALTHCARE SERVICE ON SMOKING STATUS. JOURNAL OF THE POLICE NURSES AND HEALTH SCIENCE, 15(2), 158–169. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/policenurse/article/view/265219



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