
  • Janthana Nahathaiphokin Boromarajonani College of Nursing Chakriraj, Faculty of Nursing, Praboromrajchanok Institute
  • Peranan Jerayingmongkol Faculty of Nursing, North Bangkok University
  • Ananya Kooariyakul Boromarajonani College of Nursing Uttaradit, Faculty of Nursing, Praboromrajchanok Institute
  • Ratchaneekorn Trakooljae Neurosurgery Intensive Care Units, Paholphonpayuhasena Hospital
  • Thitiporn Areerob Surgical Intensive Care Unit, Paholphonpayuhasena Hospital, Mueang Kanchanaburi District, Kanchanaburi, 71000, Thailand
  • Kanyarat Mekdaeng Neurosurgery Intensive Care Units, Paholphonpayuhasena Hospital
  • Chalalai Narissirikull Trauma Surgery Ward, Paholphonpayuhasena Hospital


organ donor, brain death


The current trend of organ donation has significantly increased. Therefore, nursing care for patients with brain death is crucial. This academic article aims to present nursing care for organ donors with brain death based on real-life case studies in hospitals. The objective is to help nurses understand and be able to visualize the nursing care and treatment of organ donors, along with the healthcare team. This includes addressing the mental well-being of the donor's family. Nursing care for organ donors with brain death comprises three stages: 1) Pre-diagnosis stage: Nurses have to focus on identifying potential organ donors and negotiating organ donation with the patient's family, 2) Diagnosis stage: Nurses prepare the patient and assist physicians in accurately diagnosing brain death at every process, and 3) Post-diagnosis stage: Nurses provide comprehensive care to preserve the humanity of the donors and their families, helping them cope with the loss after organ donation.



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How to Cite

Nahathaiphokin, J., Jerayingmongkol, P. ., Kooariyakul, A. ., Trakooljae, R. ., Areerob, T. ., Mekdaeng, K. ., & Narissirikull, C. . (2024). CASE STUDY: NURSING CARE OF BRAIN-DEAD ORGAN DONORS. JOURNAL OF THE POLICE NURSES AND HEALTH SCIENCE, 16(1), 219–229. retrieved from



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