
  • Kanoklekha Suwannapong Royal Thai Navy College of Nursing
  • Ladda Leungratanamart Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Chonburi
  • Sresuda Wongwiseskul Faculty of Nursing, Suan Dusit University
  • Kamolrat Turner Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Nonthaburi
  • Suntharavadee Theinpichet Center for Continuing Nursing Education, Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council


competency in rational drug use, nursing graduates, attitude towards rational drug use, rational drug use didactic management, support from instructors


            This descriptive study was conducted to investigate the relationships among predisposing factors, which were learning achievements and attitudes towards Rational Drug Use (RDU), an enabling factor, which was RDU didactic management, and reinforcing factors namely support from instructors and the nursing graduates’ competency in RDU. Two hundred and seventy-three graduates of the bachelor of nursing science programs in Thailand in Academic Year 2019 were recruited. The research instruments included a set of questionnaires regarding attitude towards RDU, RDU didactic management, support from instructors, and nursing graduates’ competency in RDU. All questionnaires except the demographic data were checked for content validity indices and reliability coefficients, which were .91, .94, .96, and .96, respectively. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Pearson’s correlation coefficients.

            Data analysis revealed that attitudes towards RDU, RDU didactic management, and support from instructors had a significantly strong positive relationship with the nursing graduates’ competency in RDU (r = .651, .628, and .548, respectively). Meanwhile, learning achievement had no statistically significant relationship with the nursing graduates’ competency in RDU.


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How to Cite

Suwannapong, K. ., Leungratanamart, L. ., Wongwiseskul, S. ., Turner, K. ., & Theinpichet, S. . (2021). FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH COMPETENCY IN RATIONAL DRUG USE OF NURSING GRADUATES. JOURNAL OF THE POLICE NURSES AND HEALTH SCIENCE, 13(2), 378–387. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/policenurse/article/view/250465



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