
  • Norachai Na Wichian Graduated student in Doctoral Degree of Management, Faculty of Management Science, Silpakorn University
  • Taninrat Rattanapongpinyo Faculty of Management Science, Silpakorn University Cha-am District, Petchaburi Province
  • Sawanya Thama-Apipon Faculty of Management Science, Silpakorn University Cha-am District, Petchaburi Province


work performance, human capital development, ethical leadership, work passion, resilience


                This research aimed to develop and verify the validity of the performance model of the nurses at the ward government hospital in Bangkok.  It was a mixed-method study. The research model was exploratory sequential design. The informant of the qualitative research was 12 heads or deputy heads of the inpatient and outpatient departments who gave in-depth interviews selected from a purposive selection. The sample in the quantitative research section consisted of 400 professional nurses. The samples were selected by stratified random sampling. The tool was an opinion questionnaire with 5 levels of confidence (reliability) in the topics of organizational culture, human capital development, ethical leadership, work passion, resilience and work performance. The Cronbach's alpha coefficients of the test were .890, .946, .929, .944, .930 and .945, respectively. The LISREL program was used to analyze the structure of the linear relationship and check the validity and consistency of the model created with the empirical data.

                result of the research showed that the Linear Structure Relationship model of factors affecting the work performance of nurses in government sector hospitals in Bangkok was consistent with all empirical data (chi-square(df=2,n=398)=4.184, p=.123, GFI=.997, RMSEA=.052) and the internal latent variables were able to predict 65.20 % of the performance.


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How to Cite

Na Wichian, N., Rattanapongpinyo, T. ., & Thama-Apipon, S. . (2020). FACTORS AFFECTING THE NURSE PERFORMANCE OF GOVERNMENT HOSPITAL NURSES IN BANGKOK. JOURNAL OF THE POLICE NURSES AND HEALTH SCIENCE, 12(2), 277–289. Retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/policenurse/article/view/242936



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