
  • เวหา เกษมสุข Mahidol University
  • ศิริณา จิตต์จรัส Department of Lifelong Learning, Faculty of Education, Silpakorn University
  • จิตรา มาคะผล
  • ปริญญา จิตอร่าม


Guidelines, Lifelong learning, Elderly school


                 The purposes of this mixed methods research were to study the needs and condition for promoting lifelong learning in elderly schools and to synthesize and propose guidelines for promoting lifelong learning of the elderly school. The sampling contained 142 stakeholders of elderly schools. Data collection techniques employed questionnaires and a focus group with 36 people consisting of 12 school Boards, 12 elderly, and 12 stakeholders in 3 best-practice elderly schools. The research instrument consisted of 2 parts: the questionnaire for the needs condition promoting lifelong learning of the elderly school, and the focus group questionnaire guideline. A panel of five experts examined content validity and index of item objective congruence (IOC) = .60 - 1.00. The content validity index (CVI) of the nstrument was .98. Quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. Content analysis was employed to analyze and synthesize qualitative data. Additionally, the guidelines for promoting lifelong learning in the elderly school had been verified by eleven connoisseurship experts.

                 The results revealed that in overall the elderly school has a condition of promoting lifelong learning at a moderate level. In dimensions of the need for lifelong learning promotion, it was found a high level. From the synthesis of data, the results proposed schools use the SENIOR LEARNER (S-E-N-I-O-R-L-E-R-N-E-R) guidelines for promoting lifelong learning. This guideline encouraged the elderly to exercise their potential by shifting power to change the focus from that of a burden to that of power drawing on 3 elements: health, participation, and security. It was determined through the integration of the learning contents that the elderly should know, have a desire to know and want to know in order for the guideline to promote lifelong learning of the elderly.


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How to Cite

เกษมสุข เ., จิตต์จรัส ศ., มาคะผล จ., & จิตอร่าม ป. (2019). THE GUIDELINE TO PROMOTE LIFELONG LEARNING FOR ELDERLY SCHOOL. JOURNAL OF THE POLICE NURSES AND HEALTH SCIENCE, 11(2), 261–271. retrieved from



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