
  • พรพิมล โสฬสกุลางกูร Faculty of Nursing, Chulalongkorn University
  • รัตน์ศิริ ทาโต Faculty of Nursing, Chulalongkorn University


cervical cancer, cervical cancer screening, police officer wives


                The objectives of this descriptive predictive research were to examine cervical cancer screening rate among police officer wives and to identify significant predictive factors. A multistage random sampling was used to recruit 366 police officer wives at the Criminal Records Division, the Central Scientific Crime Detection Division, the Metropolitan Police Division 5 and 6, the Institute of Forensic Medicine and the General Staff Division of Police General Hospital. Data were collected using 7 sets of questionnaires from participants regarding their: 1) demographic details, 2) knowledge about cervical cancer disease, 3) attitude toward cervical cancer screening, 4) social support,  5) perceived risk of cervical cancer, 6) perception of husband’s risk behavior for cervical cancer, and 7) cervical cancer screening. The questionnaires were tested for content validity by 5 experts. The content validity index (CVI) were .87, 1.00, .85, 1.00, and 1.00, respectively. The Cronbach’s alpha coefficients were .85, .89, .73, and .78, respectively. Knowledge about cervical cancer disease had KR-20 at .85. Data were analyzed using binary logistic regression statistics.

                The finding revealed that 1) The cervical cancer screening rate of Police officer wives was at 45.6% 2) Attitude toward cervical cancer screening (OR = 3.92, p = .003), Social support (OR = 3.49, p = .000) and Knowledge about cervical cancer disease (OR=2.33, p=.009) and perception of husband’s risk behavior (OR =.524, p = .019) were significant predictors of cervical cancer screening with 22% of explained variance (p < .05). However, the police officer wives' age, use of contraceptives and perceived risk of cervical cancer could not predict their cervical cancer screening.


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How to Cite

โสฬสกุลางกูร พ., & ทาโต ร. (2019). FACTORS PREDICTING CERVICAL CANCER SCREENING AMONG POLICE OFFICER WIVES IN BANGKOK. JOURNAL OF THE POLICE NURSES AND HEALTH SCIENCE, 11(2), 407–420. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/policenurse/article/view/124179



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