
  • ปวันรัตน์ ศรีคำ
  • ศิริพันธุ์ สาสัตย์


fall, older person, Parkinson’s disease


The purpose of this descriptive study research to examine 1) fall in older persons with Parkinson’s disease in Parkinson’s clinic Medical Department tertiary care Hospital in Bangkok, 2) the relationships between factors related to which were TUGT, depression, fear of falling, home environment risk, and social support from family, and 3) predictive factors to fall in older persons with Parkinson’s disease. Data were collected from 152 elderly patients who were selected with accidental selection method. Research instruments were demographic questionnaires, Beck depression inventory, falls efficacy scale-international (FES-I), home environmental risk assessment and social support from family instruments. Data analyzed by descriptive statistics, Point Biserial Correlation, and Binary Logistic Regression Analysis.

Results: TUGT, social support from family, fear of falling and home environmental predictive factors to fall in older persons with Parkinson’s disease at level of .05 and accounted for 56.7 percent. The research can be used as a guideline in caretaking of older person with Parkinson’s disease, as well as, a learning material in any subject related to factors in falls in older person with Parkinson’s disease for nursing student and those who are interested.


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